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To Uni, or Not to Uni, That Is My Question

I didn't go to university. It took me over a decade of professional life to discover something that I wanted to study. I'm now on my second career as a self-taught software developer.

I have proven to myself that I can make it as a developer without formal education. But I am left wanting more. It's not about money: I don't think six years of a part-time degree would produce a monetary increase that I couldn't achieve through professional experience and grit in the meantime.

Will Artificial Intelligence Inherit My Software Dev Job?

During the summer of 2018, as is common in the military, I was assigned a new role that required rapid skill development to be done by last Friday. As is not so common in the military, that skill was coding; and I was instantly hooked 🤓

Work wasn't "work" anymore: it was adventure; it was exploration; it was discovery. I fondly remember the penny-drop moment when I wrote some code that looped and printed a statement ten-thousand times in an instant! The potential was exhilarating.